Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Living

Most days begin at 4:15 AM...My cousin Barbie in Austin rises at this time and I always thought she was highly disciplined but also WHACKED to get up this early!  But now I am forever bonded with her because we both are getting up the same time of the morning.

Why 4:15 you might ask....well I have to be at work at 6:30 AM so...
I live in Steinke Hall and I walk to gym, work out on elliptical, weights and stretching...then shower and eat breakfast.
Boom-walking 20 minutes to work and there you have it.

I eat lunch by 11am. Work is over at 4PM and I am asleep by 8 or 8:30 PM.

One aspect of work I really enjoy is how international the population is here. I remember when I consulted in London for Dell EMEA it was similar.  I have colleagues from South Africa, Lebanon, Ireland, Venezuela, Canada, Bahrain, France, Britain, Houston, Austin (there are tons of Texans here).

Many of the service people are from the Philippines or India.

So Sunday (which is the first day of the work week here) I will meet my 25 participants who I will coach and teach for 8 weeks. Exciting!  The first few days the content is really dense and mostly my responsibility. I am partnered with a Geologist and a Petroleum Engineer who will lead the student through the simulation to find oil. I hear it is very challenging.  Many of the students at first question why they need to attend this 8 weeks since they just graduated and know so much already :) but once they get into the simulation (I hear) they get the gaps they have between academic preparation and real world business applications. 

What I am looking forward to is the one on one coaching relationship I will develop with each student.

OK one more post on the Mosques here and then nighty night.

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