Sunday, October 20, 2013

Barcelona Vignettes

Some wonderful travel moments-observing the Barcelona way of life...

-Early Morning subway stop-couples really looking into each other, kissing, holding cheeks in hands, looking into eyes as they say goodbye for the day.

-Older couples walking ever so slow with hands clasped.

-End of day shadows-a woman with a wild parrot, tamed as she stroked the birds head and whispered Catalan sweet nothings

-Children in complete dark of night, riding bikes and scooters squealing as their parents eat nearby, outdoors at a cafe.

-A horse drawn carriage with couples regally dressed with old world crowns and long dresses-some sort of coronation

-Children babbling, looking up at their mother for affirmation-- as she walks patiently nodding and holding their small hand.

-I love early morning cities shaking off the night, sprucing up the place, stocking the shelves for another day! Here a city worker sweeps of leaves using a plastic IKEA type bag as both bin and shovel.  Simple genius. 

-A teen straddling a female statue and holding her concrete breasts in her hands.

-The colors of liquados at the market-there are not enough days left for for me to try all the flavors, today kiwi/naranjo.

-Elderly people walking in their neighborhoods at a glacial pace but getting out to buy food, visit with friends or walk their dog.  This is the way to age.

People, friends and readers--please send your comments directly to me.  Be my pen pal. Write me at: 

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